An Administrative Board presided over by the Wali
In compliance with Chapter III of Law 47-18, Casablanca-Settat RIC is steered by an Administrative Board and managed by a General Director appointed according to the legislation and regulation in vigour.
- The Administrative Board is composed of the following members, under the Presidency of the Casablanca-Settat Region Governor (the Wali):
- → President of the Regional Council,
- → Governor General Director of the Casablanca Urban Agency,
- → General Director of the Moroccan Agency for Investment and Export Development,
- → President of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises,
- → Regional Director of the Ministry of Economy and Finance,
- → President of the Casablanca-Settat Chamber of Trade, Industry and Services,
- → President of the Casablanca-Settat Chamber of Agriculture,
- → Regional Director of the Ministry of Industry and Trade,
- → Regional Director of the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Competencies,
- → Regional Director of the Vocational Training and Employment Promotion Office,
- → Regional Director of Tamwilcom,
- → National Agency for the Promotion of SMEs,
- → Agency for Agricultural Development,
- → National Agency for the Development of Aquaculture,
- → President of the Casablanca-Settat Handicraft Chamber,
- → President of the Marine Fishing Chamber,
- → Three independent members designated by the Administrative Board President: the Chairman of Banque Centrale Populaire, Technopark General Director and Ain Sebaa Industrial Zone President.
- Control and Evaluation System
The Administrative Board has all necessary powers and duties for the RIC administration. It is enhanced by an internal and external control structure as well as a performance evaluation dual system.
Internal Control
- By an audit committee appointed by the Administrative Board
- Ensuring that standards and procedures are respected and guaranteeing user satisfaction
- By an audit office enlisted in the Chartered Accountants Association
- Audit reports are submitted periodically to the Administrative Board and the Interministerial Steering Committee
performance Evaluation
- By a Government Commissioner designated by the Minister of Economy and Finance
- By an evaluation specialized office
- Interministerial Steering Committee
To complete the structure, the RICs reform is steered by an interministerial committee which looks to potential difficulties encountered, checks out the effectiveness of procedures simplification and monitors performance evaluation.
Consult the Administrative Board meetings in the press