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The Investment Charter


Morocco has taken bold steps to modernize its investment landscape, aligning with the principles of the "New Development Model." To achieve its vision of elevating private investment to two-thirds of total investments by 2035, a new "investment charter" has been introduced, which guides investments towards strategic priorities and provides robust incentives. 

The charter is structured around three key pillars: the creation of investment support mechanisms, enhancement of the business environment, and promotion of unified and decentralized governance. The intent of this new charter is to navigate the changing national and international landscape, while keeping Morocco at the forefront of investment opportunities.



9 major goals

  • Encouragement of local production

  • Encouragement of exports and development of Moroccan companies abroad

  • Attraction of foreign direct investments

  • Improvement of the business climate

  • Targeting of priority sectors

  • Reduction of territorial disparities

  • Stable jobs creation

  • Increase in private investments

  • Sustainable development

Support mechanisms

4 support mechanisms towards private investments

Main support mechanism


Eligibility Criteria

The total grant can reach up to 30% of the eligible investment amount and is subject to two criteria:

Either exclusively based on the number of jobs created, which must be greater than 150 jobs, without any requirement for a threshold for the investment amount.

 Or jointly on the basis of the amount of the investment (≥ 50 million MAD) and the number of stable jobs to be created (at least 50).



5 common premiums : Employment/CAPEX ratio (from 5% to 10% of eligible investment), Gender approach (3%), Future jobs and upgrading (3%), Sustainable development (3%) and Local integration (3%) 

 Territorial premium :  a bonus of 10% for investments made in Category A provinces or prefectures, and 15% for those made in Category B. 

 Sectoral premium : a 5% bonus on eligible investment made in priority sectors (tourism, industry, digital, transport, outsourcing, logistics, cultural industry, aquaculture, renewable energies and waste recovery)

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3 Specific schemes

→ « Strategic Investment Projects » SchemeTo qualify for this scheme, the investment must be at least 2 billion MAD and meet one of the following criteria:

  • Have a significant impact on the country's water, energy, food, or health security

  • Generate a substantial number of jobs

  • Enhance Morocco's economic influence and global positioning

  • Significantly contribute to the development of industrial ecosystems

  • Significantly contribute to the advancement of technology


→ « Very Small/Small & Medium-Sized Entreprises» Scheme

→ « International Expansion Of Moroccan Firms» Scheme

How to benefit from it : 

For the submission of your investment convention requests, please consult :


For more details, please refer to :

  • Framework Law No. 03.22 establishing the Investment Charter
  • Decree No. 2-23-1 related to the implementation of the main support mechanism and the specific support scheme applicable to strategic investment projects.
  • Decision of the Head of Government No. 3-12-23 issued for the implementation of Articles 1 and 7 of Decree No. 2-23-1, concerning the implementation of the main investment support mechanism and the specific support mechanism applicable to strategic investment projects.
    Decision of the Head of Government No. 3-13-23 issued for the implementation of Article 6 of Decree No. 2-23-1, concerning the implementation of the main investment support mechanism and the specific support mechanism applicable to strategic investment projects.
    Decision of the Head of Government No. 3-14-23 establishing the list of provinces and prefectures falling under Categories A) and B), within the territorial jurisdiction of which the implemented investment projects may benefit from a territorial premuim.
    The Investment Charter : a transparent and comprehensive framework to encourage the act of investing.