Pharmaceutical Industry
Pillar of the chemical and para-chemical industry, Morocco's pharmaceutical sector is now a prominent figure thanks to its 60-year experience positioning the Kingdom as 2nd medicine producer of Africa and 5th of the MENA region.
With its 51 laboratories, 47 production sites and an average of 150 million medicine boxes produced annually, the pharmaceutical industry makes it possible to meet more than 60% of the Kingdom’s needs, orienting a growing part of its production to export.

Sectorial Strategy
As a major component of the Industrial Acceleration Plan (PAI), the pharmaceutical strategy lies on two pillars:
- Research & Development (R&D) aiming to motivate all R&D activities and improve exports to foreign markets;
- Development of domestic markets focusing on the improvement of medication accessibility and high-quality medical care.
The "Covid-19" health crisis has showcased Morocco's leadership, which has embraced an innovative approach in the "fill & finish" domain. Through partnerships with international laboratories, the country has committed to local vaccine production, aiming to ensure its health security and sovereignty while positioning itself as a significant biotechnological hub on the African continent.
Key Figures
largest producer in Africa5th
largest producer in the MENA region+50
pharmaceutical industrial establishments+ 450 million
units produced/ year60 000
jobs$158 million
in exports in 2023

Pharmaceutical industry stands among the prominent sectors of regional industries offering the following assets:
87% of pharmaceutical enterprises are located in this region
Longstanding expertise with important anchorage in Africa
Soaring market with 4% annual growth
Freeing pharmaceutical enterprise corporate capitals from restrictions as provided for by the new medication and pharmacies law
2 industrial ecosystems integrated by the Industrial Acceleration Plan (PAI): medication manufacturing and medical equipment production
Investment Opportunities

● Manufacture of x-ray devices designed for sterilization
● Vaccine manufacturing
● Drugs Manufacturing (oncology, insulin, corticosteroid therapy, beta-lactams, etc.)
● Production of molecular diagnostic reagents

● Manufacture of medical electronic devices or equipment
● Materials & equipment Assembly
● Manufacturing of medicinal pouches and bottles

● Manufacture of dressing bandages
● Manufacturing of medical textiles
● Drug clinical trial centers

Regional Value Offer
Bank for industrial projects providing high-potentiality activities at regional level
Diversified regional offer of industrial platforms
Regional support to activities dedicated to research and development
Customized close support by national and regional actors
Vocational training delivered by public and private institutes
MARBIO (Benslimane): Africa's largest industrial unit for vaccine manufacturing and syringe filling

For more information, download "The Cs of the Pharmaceutical Industry"

Financial aids provided by the Investment Charter
Special support within the industrial project bank
Many advantages for companies operating within the framework of industrial acceleration zones
For more information, consult our study on medical and paramedical devices for further information on this industry